Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Autumn: A Poem

It's Autumn
And withered leaves
Die coloured
On the ground

I watched as you retreated
Down the platform
There was no final wave
As you stepped on train
Towards a destination
Unknown to me
A figure, cloaked against November's chill,
Will greet you with outstretched arms  
As I once did.

On the phone
My children pay lip service
As through the window
I watch wild birds
Squabble for crumbs in my garden

And withered leaves
Die coloured 
On the ground

I shiver as Winter steals towards me
Will I ever know Spring again.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Alzheimer's: A Poem

Evening she potties me
Bathes me
Nappies me
And tucks me in bed
Then it's tablets always tablets
To help me through the night

Morning she sponges me
Dresses me
Feeds me
Then helps me shuffle, shuffle to a chair
Where I sit staring always staring at nothing
Holding an unread paper with shaking hands

In lucid moments I read
That one in five
Suffer this living hell
A grovel, sans grace, towards eternity
In these moments
I sense cloaked fear
As she grips my arm
To comfort me

I am afraid always afraid
A footstep creaks outside my door
Terrified I cry
We have a burglar
She embraces me
Calms me
"It's only your son,
He loves you
Your world is safe."

I want to tell her
How sorry, how very sorry I am
How I hate being a burden, always a burden
How I long to be strong
But I can't mouth the words
To tell her that after sixty years
I love her still

Vacantly I gaze at my beloved
Her steady eyes reflect my grief
As she absorbs the face of a stranger.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Thursday, 21 June 2012

A Christmas Gift from Mary A Short Story

It was Christmas Eve and Jim Giles was determined on not seeing another one.  The clock on the cricket pavilion stared, at his once proud suit, as he shuffled past the cricket green.  The street lights, tall and aloof, pretended not to notice the pathetic, lonely figure, revealed by their beams.  Snowflakes danced above the darkening green, floated down, tried to land, failed and vanished without trace.  Jim stopped, produced a whisky bottle from his jacket and slugged the remaining few drops.

"Finished" he mumbled "Just like me finished."  Chucking the empty on to the pitch he ambled onwards.

How would his last day on earth end?  He had a vision of wading into blue-cold water and letting it flow over his head.
Jim was sixty-two, dirty, drank too much and was virtually unemployable. He had previously been employed as a skilled marine engineer who had lived happily and in harmony with his wife. Then one cruel day his life was shattered when a car, driven by a drug crazed teenager, knocked down and killed his loving wife. The offenders car was not insured and neither did the teenager have a valid driving licence.  To Jim's disgust the
offender was given a sentence ridiculous in it's leniency.  Jim hired lawyers and attempted to exact justice against the perpetrator but failed.  Jim accepted defeat and lonely and embittered  started to drink heavily.

He lost his job and gradually he drifted downwards into his present suicidal state.  His existence had degenerated into a carousel of welfare, begging and wine shops.  It was a bitterly cold night and his senses were as numb as his limbs.  Passing the war memorial, where nosey tree branches peeped at him over a wall, he felt tired.  Leaning against the wall he sank to the ground where his weary head soon found his knees and he slept.

The beat, beat of footsteps woke him.  Dazed he turned round and saw the figure of a girl running towards the common.  She soon disappeared and only the occasional yellow-eyed car disturbed the silence of the night

 "AAHA, AAHA" A new sound distracted Jim, a crying sound.  "AAHH AAHH," unfurling he found his feet and stood up. Where was the crying coming from?

 "AAHH, AAHH" Jim's fuddled brain isolated the whining to a spot just a few yards from where he had been sitting.  It came from a cardboard box.  Curious he approached the box knelt down and looked in.  

The box contained a baby not long born by its size. The child was wrapped in a woollen jumper and beside it was a feeding bottle and a dummy.  Placing the dummy in its mouth Jim contemplated this new problem in his life.  The baby was warm and very much alive, but for how long?  What should he do.?  A more logical
mind would have taken the baby to a police station but Jim, following instinct and remembering the fleeing girl, picked up the box and wandered off to try and find her. Something told him that she would not be far away.  She was somewhere close by watching him.  

The child was quiet now because his walking motion had lulled it to sleep. Minutes later he sensed the nearness of the girl and a rustling noise and a glimpse of white clothing betrayed her hiding place behind a bush.

"Hullo Missy! I know you're there, come on out, I won't harm you."

A slim shadow moved into the glare of a solitary street light   The beam revealed a young girl who looked no older than fourteen or fifteen.  Jim saw that she was pretty and from a pale elfin face dark eyes watched him warily.  A delicate hand pushed back a mass of chestnut curls.  Nervously she asked:
"What will you do with my baby?" Jim pushed the box into her arms.
"Take the mite home and care for it."
"I 'avent got a home. I left Portsmouth two years ago; lived in squats ever since"  she seemed proud of the achievement.  Lost for words Jim remained silent.
"Baby was born a week ago another girl 'elped me.  The guys in the squat can't stand my little darling crying so they kicked me out  I can't live there no more."  
Jim studied her as she rocked the box, cradle-like, in her arms.
"What about the child's father?"
"Him! a sailor I shared a smoke and a tumble with, I don't know his name or where he is."
The girl shivered,
"Cold aint it?" Jim made a decision.
"I have a house, it's not much but you can come there with me if you like; keep us all out of the cold."           
"No funny business mister?"
"I promise you there will be no funny business."
"OK.'Andles Mary, what's yours?"
"Just call me Jim, Jim Giles.  Well are you coming?  Or would you rather freeze to death?"
"You're the boss Jim lead the way."

They set off for the council house Jim had shared with his wife.  The house he had thought he would never see again. At his house Jim lit the gas fire and sat Mary and her baby in front of it.  In the kitchen he found some beans and stale bread, which he toasted.  He took the meal and two mugs of tea to his unexpected guests.  

"It's Christmas Eve today Mary, this will have to do instead of turkey, pudding and wine.  Still it's something 
enjoy it love."  Jim sat down and watched his new friend wolf down the simple meal. Mary smiled at him
"Best meal I've ever 'ad Jim thanks.  Your 'ouse is a bit of a pigsty but I'm glad to be here.  Tomorrow, after a good nights sleep, I will clean it up for you."

"You want to stay here with me?"
"Why not? I've nowhere else I promise that you will not regret it."  Mary had never experienced security which, made her determined not to let this chance of happiness pass her by. As they sat there, enjoying the warmth, the baby started to cry again. Mary took the babe in her arms.

"He's 'ungry bless him, I do love him you know, I just panicked and didn't know what to do for the best."  

She unbuttoned.her blouse and placed the baby on a small, firm breast.  The girl was unaware of how beautiful she looked, in the glow of the fire, feeding her child.   Jim felt uncomfortable because he realised how dirty and scruffy he must look. To his delight the depression that had plagued him for ages was gone.  

Could this pretty young thing and her baby actually share his house with him?  He had been certain that this Christmas would be his last on earth but his chance encounter with Mary had installed joy and hope in his heart.  

"I'm pleased that you are are staying Mary I have plenty of room."  Warmth had restored colour to Mary's face and glancing at him she enquired:
"'Ave you any money Jim?"  Jim thought please Mary don't let me down by taking my few pennies and running away tomorrow.  Mary read Jim's glum features.
"Don't be daft Jim, it's just if you 'ave. a few quid stashed away I will visit the shops and rustle up a Christmas dinner for us."  Jim went to a vase on his mantelpiece and explored its interior with his hand.

Triumphant he flurried a twenty-pound note.
"I forgot I had this Mary, it wont buy much but you can go shopping tomorrow for a chicken or something  and perhaps a bottle of wine for us to celebrate and don't forget the mite if he needs anything."  Mary smiled, reminding Jim of a painting he had once viewed of the Madonna and Child.

"'Ave you had a Christmas gift yet Jim?".
"I don't know anyone and most people avoid me, I can't blame them really"
"I'll give you a present.  I will call my little son after you Jim.  Would you like that?"
Stunned Jim answered:
"I would like that Mary, thank you, I'm tired now, I'll be off to bed; you can have the other room and I will give myself a wash and a shave in the morning."  In the sanctuary of his room Jim realised, that for the first time in years, he was happy. Kicking off his shoes he flopped on to his bed.  Mary called from the front room:
"Goodnight Jim and a Merry Christmas to you."
"Good night Mary,God bless you."  Jim murmured as he closed his eyes.  The vision of Mary feeding her baby had soothed him and soon he was in a deep, contented sleep.  


Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Which Way to Go A Song Lyric.

Hordes of workless downcast treading
Treading downcast on their dreams 
And little children violent begging
Begging violent for ice creams
Which way to go?
I asked my betters
But they don't know
No they don't know
Which way to go?
I asked a madman
Dancing naked in the snow.

He said now boy go love the tin man
And you can learn much from the sand
Take out your knife and cut the poppy
And burn the grass from off the land
He said now boy destroy the old books
They're full of lies and prophecy
The truth it lies within each person
The answer is HUMANITY.

Shall I take some grain to Asia?
Should I put fish in the sea?
Shall I stop making blue mushrooms?
Shall I set the prisoners free?

Rich men hide
 They hide in terror
In terror hide
While priests are shot
It's raining hard red rain of madness
Madness rain is what we've got

Which way to go?
I asked a madman
His answer was HUMANITY

His answer was HUMANITY.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

It's in the Nature of Things: A Song lyric

I had a letter from my Ma 
Which said come right away
Your dear grandpa is ninety-four 
And he hasn't long to stay 
So if you want to see him 
Before his great adieu 
Then grab yourself a berth my son 
On the rocky mountain blue.

It's in the nature of things
All creatures die
We're born we love we fight and strive
It's called being alive
It's in the nature of things
We can't stay on
There has to be some Winter dark
Before we are reborn

Well now I found my old grandpa
A rocking  in his chair
He didn't seem at all surprised 
To see me standing there
Laughing merrily he said
You've come to say goodbye
Well youngster I have news for you
I'm feeling very spry

Then grandpa tottered to his feet
And said boy come with me
The exact spot to bury me
I want for you to see
It's where I courted Mary
So many years ago
The very place
Where she said yes
Her lovely face aglow

It's in the nature of things
All creatures die
We're born we love
We fight and strive
It's called being alive
It's in the nature of things
We can't stay on
There has to be some Winter dark
Before we are reborn

Then grandpa lifted some fine soil
And held it in his hand
He said son in the scrap of earth
Are all the years of man
The blood of my grand pappy
And your grand pappy too
Are living in this mite of earth
It's our soil through and through  

Well ever since that talk with him
I aint been scared to die
Although I'm not so sure as him
There is a bye and bye
We buried him that next years fall
Beneath his favourite tree
And on his grave sweet flowers bloom
As purty as can be.

It's in the nature of things
All creatures die
We're born we love we fight and strive
It's called being alive
It's in the nature of things
We can't stay on
There has to be some Winter dark
Before we are reborn.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Monday, 18 June 2012

The Breath of Life A Song lyric

He left a letter on my pillow
Where he used to lay his head
His wedding ring beside it
With its date when we were wed
He wants me to forgive him
Cos he didn't mean to stray
But he loves this girl so deeply
He must now go away.

He was my world
He was my destiny
He was for me
The breath of life itself
Does he not know
My life has ended now
He was for me 
The breath of life itself

This house we warmed with love once
Is now an empty shell
And walls that echoed laughter
Now mock me in my cell.

He was my world
He was my destiny
He was for me 
The breath of life itself
Does he not know
My life has ended now
He was for me
The breath of life itself

I know he wont forget me
And perhaps she'll treat him wrong
He'll remember then I love him
And come home where he belongs

He was my world
He was my destiny
He was for me
The breath of life itself
Does he not know
My life has ended now
He was for me
The breath of life itself

He was for me 
The breath of life itself. 

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Thursday, 14 June 2012

The Street of the Outcasts. A song lyric

I squat in the gutters of London
And beg from the folk passing by
They smile to hide they don't like me
But I'm numb and smoke dims my eyes
The smoke and the strong ale inside me
Help me forget who I am
Just one of the drifters in London
Who sleeps wherever he can

I live in the street of the outcasts
I live in this street without hope
I aint got no morals worth counting
And I'd sleep with bag Annie for dope 

I can't read or write or speak proper
But a tramp who has settled near me
He had a fine education
I think he has a degree
But his learnin'  helps him no-how
He still sleeps in shop fronts for free
And he'll argue the toss over ten pence
The price of a warm cup-of- tea


Now one day a warm hearted lady
Took me to her fancy pad
She bathed, dressed and fed me
And said I didn't look bad
She promised a new beginning
I'd leave the old life behind
But pretty soon I got restless
And robbed her of all I could find

Now maybe one day you will find me
A holding out my hand
The grin on my face might deceive you
That I'm not one of the dammed
The nights are cold and my bones ache
My chest is wheezy and tight
I'm one of the outcasts of London
Who hasn't the bottle to fight


Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Crushed White A song lyric

Where do you come from?
Children of despair
Yesterday with teddy bears
Now tears beyond repair
Ruined little bodies
Drifting through the streets
Eager for the poppy seed
Your overwhelming need

Crushed white in the city
Crushed white in the park
Crushed white in the limousine
Cruising after dark
Crushed white in blue shadows
Crushed white in my bed
Crushed white in the gutter
Crushed white lying dead.

Lonely once I loved one
Never knew her name
She robbed me during dream time
She was devoid of shame
Woman with a child's form
Living for today
You'll flower a few brief seasons
And then fade fast away


 Used and abused
Children of decay
You once were someone's love child
Who now lives far away
From this city jungle
Where you hunt in packs
Unwashed, uncared and desperate
You sleep in paper sacks


Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Philip's Army: Chapter Sixteen The Forest is Normal Again

This book is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

It is an indisputable, but unknown fact that all the forests in the world are controlled and governed by a witch.  In this story, the reader is introduced to the attractive Evergreen: our very own 'Witch of the Forest'. Evergreen is faced with a problem; her domain is threatened with annihilation because of the action of a dotty squire, who has hired workmen to cut down her forest home.
By means of magic powder, Evergreen influences two children: Philip and Becky. They are the children of the local blacksmith, and recruit the animals who live in the forest into an army; the intention being to stop the destruction of their home.  Can Philip and Becky, with the help of Rabbit, Barn Owl, Fox, Otter, Wild Boar and others, possibly manage this impossible task?
'Philip's Army' is an attempt to educate children of the impending disaster to the environment caused by the money-grabbing, ignorant and insane behaviour of man.
Perhaps our young children may realise the danger and stop, before it's too late, the destruction of our green and beautiful planet.

Chapter One The War Council can be read for free here.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Philip's Army: Chapter Fifteen The Forest is Saved

This book is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

It is an indisputable, but unknown fact that all the forests in the world are controlled and governed by a witch.  In this story, the reader is introduced to the attractive Evergreen: our very own 'Witch of the Forest'. Evergreen is faced with a problem; her domain is threatened with annihilation because of the action of a dotty squire, who has hired workmen to cut down her forest home.
By means of magic powder, Evergreen influences two children: Philip and Becky. They are the children of the local blacksmith, and recruit the animals who live in the forest into an army; the intention being to stop the destruction of their home.  Can Philip and Becky, with the help of Rabbit, Barn Owl, Fox, Otter, Wild Boar and others, possibly manage this impossible task?
'Philip's Army' is an attempt to educate children of the impending disaster to the environment caused by the money-grabbing, ignorant and insane behaviour of man.
Perhaps our young children may realise the danger and stop, before it's too late, the destruction of our green and beautiful planet.

Chapter One The War Council can be read for free here.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

Philip's Army: Chapter Fourteen Linda and Mary Visit 'CEDARVIEW'

This book is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20

It is an indisputable, but unknown fact that all the forests in the world are controlled and governed by a witch.  In this story, the reader is introduced to the attractive Evergreen: our very own 'Witch of the Forest'. Evergreen is faced with a problem; her domain is threatened with annihilation because of the action of a dotty squire, who has hired workmen to cut down her forest home.
By means of magic powder, Evergreen influences two children: Philip and Becky. They are the children of the local blacksmith, and recruit the animals who live in the forest into an army; the intention being to stop the destruction of their home.  Can Philip and Becky, with the help of Rabbit, Barn Owl, Fox, Otter, Wild Boar and others, possibly manage this impossible task?
'Philip's Army' is an attempt to educate children of the impending disaster to the environment caused by the money-grabbing, ignorant and insane behaviour of man.
Perhaps our young children may realise the danger and stop, before it's too late, the destruction of our green and beautiful planet.

Chapter One The War Council can be read for free here.

Philip's Army is now available to purchase on the Amazon Kindle from multiple countries.
Book Number ASIN: B008R7DD20